Celebrate #GreatBritishMenu at Beach House Restaurant, Oxwich


We are delighted here at Bayview, that fabulous chef, Hywel Griffith, of the acclaimed Michelin Star Beach House Restaurant right here on the beach front at Oxwich, made it through to the final of #GreatBritishMenu 2021. We were cheering him on every step of the way through this iconic BBC television show.

This year the theme for chefs from all over the UK was to celebrate creativity and invention in their particular part of the world. It was gripping viewing and Hywel did Wales proud with his response to the brief, preparing six dishes that astounded the judges and scored highly.

Hywel showcased Gower’s and south Wales’ abundance of fish, meat and vegetables in dishes that translated his creativity in the kitchen. From the wonderfully named, ‘The Cambrian Explosion & the Genius of Arthropoda’ to ‘Lamb for the Land of Anthracite & Iron’ he loving prepared six courses – taster, starter, fish, meat, pre-dessert and dessert – and brought to the table mouth-watering food as well as a taste for the south Wales region’s rich industrial heritage of coal and iron.

Our family has known from the beginning that Hywel and the Beach House Restaurant makes for a winning combination and we’ve enjoyed wonderful times together for lunch and dinner, either inside the cool and spacious interior or outside on the terrace almost touching the sea. It’s not stuffy, and completely unpretentious with the focus firmly on the best locally-sourced food simply cooked.

As you can imagine, Hywel nor the Beach House is a well-kept secret anymore and since his 2 consecutive appearances on the 2020 and 2021 GBM, combined with the restaurant opening up again as COVID-19 restrictions ease here in Wales, there is a clamour for bookings.

A dining experience there really makes a holiday at Bayview Oxwich that little bit more special – and it’s within walking distance. Enjoy lunch there with the children or dinner with family and friends and children over 12.

Menus change with the seasons and you can choose from a la carte, a special 5 or 8 course tasting menu, and even the exact 6 course Great British Menu as prepared by Hywel for the BBC programme.  You can see a clip from the series here.

We advise many of the guests who book with us to visit the www.beachhouseoxwich.co.uk and check availability with the online booking tool and see examples of all the delicious menus as well as special events throughout the year.

To book your holiday rental accommodation, please contact Wanda or Michael who will be happy to talk through all our options.

Image: Copyright BBC, Great British Menu


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