Welcome back to Bayview, Gower – later!

We’re sorry that we’re not open for business as normal here at Bayview. Like tourism destinations across Wales, the UK, and the world, our doors are locked to visitors for the time being. And it’s not the same without you. We miss you!

In these strange and challenging times, it seems even more cruel that everything here at Bayview and the village and bay at Oxwich looks so beautiful; yet empty without people. Yes, the bluebells are out, carpeting the woods here at Bayview and so is the wonderful, wild garlic. Yes, the sun is shining and has been for weeks on end. Our three girls’ great grandfather told them via FaceTime that he’s not seen the sky so blue since he was a child (and he’s 92!) because of the lack of air and traffic pollution; nor has he heard the birds chirp so loudly. The wildlife too seems to be reclaiming territory and now we see not-so-sly foxes on a regular basis on our grounds.

The sandy bay here is pristine in the sunshine: sparkling water, but not a boat in sight; marram grasses swaying in the dunes. It often seems it’s just us as a family, or a couple of locals out taking their allotted exercise, keeping close to home, and not staying out too long.

We realise we’re so lucky to have outside space (twelve acres) here at Bayview for our girls to ride their bikes, or be free-range kids once they’re let loose after us trying to home school them. And we’re fortunate, we know, to have space to grow as a family, walking on the beach, or delving into history in the beautiful churchyard at St Illtyd’s just on our doorstep. You can see by the photos that social distancing is being maintained, even within our own family, we’re getting so used to it!

But we know it’s people who make it special here at Bayview. Whether it’s in our beach bungalows, our luxury apartments, or our soon-to-be-ready eco-houses, we’re looking forward to seeing you when the time is right and we can welcome you back safely to Gower. Croeso yn ol hwyrach!

Meanwhile, enjoy some of our photos to remind you what you’re missing and hopefully bring you some tranquillity.


New holiday rental properties are back on track at Bayview, Oxwich


Local Gower Food