Bayview and Beach House Restaurant, Oxwich – working together for NSPCC

At Bayview, we’re delighted to have recently teamed up with acclaimed Michelin Star restaurant, The Beach House here in Oxwich, to do our bit to raise money for the NSPCC.

Last Thursday, 2nd December, 450 guests had a wonderful evening at The Guildhall, London, supporting the Great Chefs Dinner Event to raise money for the NSPCC’s Speak Out. Stay Safe, programme, enabling the NSPCC to reach children in primary schools, giving them the knowledge to protect themselves from all forms of abuse.

We weren’t able to attend in person but were there is spirit to support The Beach House Restaurant’s award-winning and Great British Menu chef, Hywel Griffith, with whom we had paired an overnight stay in one of our brand new contemporary cottages along with his famous eight-course tasting menu, for live auction to the highest bidder.

We were thrilled to hear that this unique combination of Oxwich quality food and accommodation experience raised an outstanding £7,500 under the expert hammer of auctioneer, Charlie Ross. So successful was this amount, that Hywel, with his enthusiasm and our full agreement, suggested that this package could be auctioned again. And so it was, and succeeded in raising an additional £6,000 for NSPCC. So £13,500 in total!

The guests had a great time with exquisite food, wine and entertainment, but importantly, the event raised over £266,000 for the NSPCC and this vital cause.

We are so looking forward to welcoming the two winning bidders and their guests to stay at Tŷ Alice, one of our three exquisite contemporary rental cottages, later in the year. The cottage has stunning views across Oxwich and the bay, and is within walking distance of the Beach House Restaurant. We know our guests will have a fabulous time ahead of them tasting the best of Gower’s local produce and the best of its accommodation.

We are pleased to have played a small part in supporting NSPCC in this campaign and proud of what we’re offering here in Oxwich. We also want to say a big thank you to the organisers at NSPCC and our very own Wanda, Team Manager, at Bayview, and of course, The Beach House Restaurant, who worked so hard to bring this about.

Images: copyright The Beach House Restaurant


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